I just looked at this thing and realized how long it's been since I posted. I have lots of stuff to tell you about car, but that will have to wait for another day. For now ponder this: What kind of savage still throws trash out of a moving vehicle? Seriously. It's 2007. You'd think people would have fully grasped trash cans by now. I can't even attribute it to laziness because as I see it, it takes more effort to lower the window and throw something out of the car than it would to put it in the trash later. Maybe I'm brainwashed, but I don't think I could actually throw a bag full of fast food trash out of my car window. Oh well. I guess the chronically underemployable need something to do so picking up roadside trash will have to do. I just wish it didn't cost me tax money.
Books and movies will now be reviewed here starting with these two: Moby Dick An interesting read. I don't know if I agree with its usual label of "Children's Classic". I don't think many of today's children could be bothered to even attempt this one and if they did, I don't think they would make it without a good dictionary. There's a lot of cool language in this book. Most of it is a bit archaic, but it's interesting to see how our language has changed in the last couple hundred years. There are some great sentences and quotes in there. As for the story, it's very long and drawn out. There are large sections of the book where you are treated to in-depth descriptions of the whaling trade in the 1850s, whale anatomy, whaler operations, blacksmithing, and other fun subjects. The meat of the story with Ahab and the whale only really involves the last two chapters. Honestly after wading through the rest of the book, the ending was very anticlimact...
OK. Inspired by others, here is my blog. I won't make any promises about the relevance or usefulness of the contents or the regularity of posts. I think it's pretty much going to be what I feel like posting when I feel like posting it. So, enjoy. Or not.