Nothing much to say today other than that I promise not to start anymore posts with OK.
I'm not quite dead yet.
I just looked at this thing and realized how long it's been since I posted. I have lots of stuff to tell you about car, but that will have to wait for another day. For now ponder this: What kind of savage still throws trash out of a moving vehicle? Seriously. It's 2007. You'd think people would have fully grasped trash cans by now. I can't even attribute it to laziness because as I see it, it takes more effort to lower the window and throw something out of the car than it would to put it in the trash later. Maybe I'm brainwashed, but I don't think I could actually throw a bag full of fast food trash out of my car window. Oh well. I guess the chronically underemployable need something to do so picking up roadside trash will have to do. I just wish it didn't cost me tax money.